DevBlog 86 / Full Steam ahead!

Why hello there!

If you’ve ever heard of Steam, or if you’re currently using it, you’ll probably be ecstatic to know that we’ve included the Steam API into our project!

This allows us to have some sweet features such as Achievements, Cloud Saving and Stat tracking. It also means that our game might or might not be on Steam… take a guess.

Since you’ve probably guessed it right, we can also share that our Steam page will be online in the near future, so stay tuned!

Navigation mesh fix.

What is this? It’s our navigation mesh for the Canyon Puzzle, which had some issues that are now solved through navmesh control, allowing it to be updated as required by this event.

New area accessible by boat!

What is that? The boat we’ve showcased before is nearly fully implemented, and it will allow our hero to go forth and explore a new area which contains a quest item, some additional challenges and loot, of course!

A sanctuary, its buildings currently work-in-progress.

And this is the Village Hub we’ve mentioned before, which is shaping up to become a sanctuary to all, being not only rich in visual storytelling, but also holding its share of secrets! Oh, the houses are still work-in-progress, as such they are enveloped in a black, velvet fabric.

This tool will definitely come in handy!

Our Master Puppeteer, or Animator as some would call him, has implemented his new physics tool that will allow him to breathe even more life into his Puppets! We asked him how he does it, he said “Animation Magic”.

That is all for this week, everyone is thrilled for having the game on Steam and for all the progress that has been made so far, we can’t wait for the upcoming devblogs and to share more Decay of Logos goodies, so thank you for reading!


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