DevBlog 08 / Interior Illumination and deferred decals

Hi there!

Pichel and Tomé are doing some progress in the texturing department, painting maps for all the modular props. You can see below most of the wooden assets, all game-ready.

Old view on the left, current view on the right

Various finished wooden props.

This week André implemented deferred decals, they will be used for blood splats on surfaces and for details in walls/floors, like cracks for example, or other numerous applications in static objects.
Some improvements have been made in the way enemies respond to hits, like if the player swings the sword in one direction and hits the enemy, he will stagger in the opposite way he was hit. The direction of the blood particle and blood splat in floor respect the hit direction too.

Old view on the left, current view on the right

Here you can see some blood on the ground with the new deferred decal system.

We did some tests with interior lighting too, still very WIP  (no final textures nor materials), but now we know that we can achieve cool ambient interiors.

Old view on the left, current view on the right

You can see some light coming from the cracked ceiling in the far end.


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