DevBlog 51 / Performance, Performance, Performance

Hi everyone!

A short devlog this week, ’cause the team is away during Easter. Chapter 2 is going great in terms of art, in the next devblog we will show you some cool screenshots and a glimpse of what the central hub village could look like.
Meanwhile, Andre did a complete revamp of the logic AI system. We were aware of some performance issues that were aggravated with the constant additional complexity growth of the AI. Sometimes, the best way to fix something is to scratch what you have and start again. Obviously a lot of states were recycled, but it’s a different approach in AI handling. In the gif below, using the old AI logic, we could hit an outrageous 25ms time of processing time, now it’s around 1ms. The problem used to happen if the build ran for long periods of time with various AI agents active.

Overcrowded combat – DEBUG MODE not actual gameplay.

Until next week, have a great Easter!


2 thoughts on “DevBlog 51 / Performance, Performance, Performance

  1. Parya

    Did one of you has been traumatized by the Lord of Cinder from DS3 😀 ?
    Burning trees seems highly inspired from the Unkindeled 😉

    In addition do you guys plans to come in France for some meetup or events ?

    See u !

    1. Andre Constantino Post author

      Hi Parya, although our game designer is a big fan of the Souls series, we have this enemy much before Dark Souls 3 was out 🙂
      And no, unfortunately we don’t have plans to come to France in the short term.

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