DevBlog 74 / I could barrel-y dodge that!

Hi everyone!

Today we will show you one of the new enemies we added and teased recently, the Mimic Barrel. Even sneakier than the Chomper, it will pounce when you are carelessly looking for some random items inside barrels and crates. It delivers fast attacks and is very agile, which will certainly make killing it your top priority.

The Chomper is also complete, with all the attacks it requires, such as throwing things at the player depending on the zone it spawns in, like mud, sand, etc.

We also tuned the camera a little bit, which now adds a small offset when the player is locked to a target, so he/she can always see the focused enemy.

Oh my God!

The work on the new area is progressing smoothly, we are using the following concept as the main guide for the mood we intend for this location:
Meanwhile, the high-poly model for the new boss is pretty much finished, so the game-ready version will surely be developed during next week!

Mood concept for the canyon.


2 thoughts on “DevBlog 74 / I could barrel-y dodge that!

  1. Bartosh

    Hey Guys! It’s Bartosh here from YouTube. I’m reading your blog since march 2016 after first gif “leaked” on 9gag :P. Since that time I’m reading all your posts and I’m visiting your website everyday. Tonight I finally have to ask about it, because I can’t leave in unawareness any logner… Are you planning to make any early acess or demo version of the game soon? Or do you think the project will take another 2-3 years to be finished? Any idea about realease date? Please, give me something. I can’t wait 🙂

    1. Andre Constantino Post author

      Hi Bartosh! Thank you so much, you’re truly a dedicated fan! We are targeting a 2018 release, we are building one of the last areas of the game right now. There’s no plan for an early access version, but if there’s some change in that aspect you will be notified in our website 🙂 Once again, thank you for your support!

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