DevBlog 130 / QA all the way!


This week marks a major milestone for us as we’re finally sending our game off to external QA. It’s extremely important to get an outside perspective on your work, we’re confident that this process will improve the final quality of the game, well worth the time spent handling every minute detail.

Things to come…

Sometimes all you need is your fists, and fire, magic fire helps!

Wish us luck, we’ll be back next week with additional information!


2 thoughts on “DevBlog 130 / QA all the way!

  1. João

    Hi there, I’ve been following your work for the more then an year now, I’m exited for it to come out and play.
    Do you have a confirmed release date?
    Do you have a estimated price for the game? For pc.

    Keep up the good work, love from Portugal.

    1. admin Post author


      Thank you for following our progress, we can’t wait to get it out there!

      No official price or date yet but we’ll announce it soon 😉


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