Category Archives: Dev Blog

DevBlog 94 / What? Ada is evolving!

Hello, travelers!

Today we’re excited to bring you exciting news, pardon the redundancy, regarding our protagonist, which has received a full overhaul! Feast your eyes upon her new look!

Hello, gorgeous!

The reason why we’ve reworked her visuals is because her original version was inspired on an old concept of a different artist, and the game’s visuals have been taking a slightly different path than what was originally planned.

What should we be wearing today?

We’ve decided to do it at this stage since we have much more experience in creating something that melds with the current art direction and visual style, and we’re already done with the High Poly version, so she will be in the game soon enough!

Some of the initial areas of the game are being further developed according to this logic, as we enter the final stages of production.

Regarding the last area, we’ve been fleshing out both the Palace and the encompassed region, and the following screenshot might be related to this!

Hold it!

One of the cutscenes is being actively worked on and will make its debut on the show build, some new animations were… animated specifically for this, and some additional logic as well. This build is nearly 100% complete, we’ve been squashing some bugs and will perform further QA in order to make sure it’s buttery smooth!

That will be all for today, we look forward to next Friday!


DevBlog 93 / Jumping Ada, Hidden Blacksmith

Hey there!

We weren’t expecting our plaster DevBlog post to become so popular, so we considered talking about bricks today..! Jokes aside, we’ve had alot on our platter for this week, so let’s get right into it!

Woah, we’re half way there!

We’re working hard… I mean, we’re always working hard, but lately we’ve been putting some extra muscle into a show build for the upcoming Expo’s! More information will be shared when the time comes, please bear with us.

A new NPC has also been added to the world, her name is Nuri and she’s a large blacksmith that will be tucked away inside of her shop, providing additional conversations and a new mechanic to the game.

Where’s this Blacksmith I read about on the blog?

She will offer to repair your items, if they are worth her time, that is! Don’t bother trying to get her to fix your flimsy, rusty swords and battered straps of wood, pieced together as makeshift armor!

You can jump but you can’t hide!

And here’s the latest, new and glorious animation, the new jumping while sprinting that will be invaluable for bypassing gaps and traps.

On a final note, we’ve also been doing a pass on all the cutscenes for the game, revamping the old and starting to work on the new!

That’s all folks!

Have a great weekend!


DevBlog 92 / Today, we bring you…

…plaster. That’s all you’re getting today. Hello!

Today’s post will be a little bit technical, since we’re still working on the last area of the game, which should have no plaster, planning and tweaking the final battle, adding some new animations and working on an unexpected and surprising new… thing, which is not plaster.

We aren’t ready to share any details yet since we want to make a full reveal of it when it’s done so, for now, all we have to give is this tease! … and did I mention that we also have plaster?


In all seriousness, we’ve implemented these two workflows to achieve two different types of results that, albeit simple, convey different moods. The faded plaster on the right is simply one mesh with two textures blended through Vertex Paining, while thick plaster technique is achieved by combining two meshes, as you can see on the right wall.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the fine plaster we brought you this week, we promise to make it up to you in the near future with some exciting revelations!

Have a great weekend!


DevBlog 89 / What sorcery is this?

Hello dear readers!

As promised last week, we’re bringing you some magical goodness for this devblog… so without further ado, let’s all put on our robes, wizard hats and get our hocus pocus on!

*Ahem* Oh! And please take note that both the names and effects are work-in-progress!

Magic in the world of Decay of Logos is called Magicae, an ancient art that has been nearly lost to time, and that may only be tapped into by prodigious individuals with a strong life essence.

Light spell and Fire potion in action.

While we’ve decided that it would be optional for players to learn and use Magicae, those who choose to practice it must be aware that it comes at a cost, as it will slowly drain one’s vitality.

If the main character gets involved with the world and its characters, the opportunity to learn the following spells will come up at specific times during the adventure:

– The Light spell will be useful for navigating dark areas without the need of handling a torch, and might even blind some enemies.

– Shockwave will damage and push certain enemies away, possibly causing some of them to topple!

– Finally, the Fireball will do what fireballs do best, burn and bring pain to your foes!

As you can tell by the disclosed information, different enemies may react differently to spells, and some may be more resistant than others to certain damage types or effects, which brings us…

To the potions! We’ve talked briefly before about how we’ve added new potions for buffing the main character, and now we’re finally ready to share some additional details. We’ve added the following potions buffs that will add additional depth to combat and inventory management:

– Apply/Anti Fire
– Apply/Anti Poison
– Apply/Anti Paralize

The anti/drinkable potions remove the respective status effect from the main character, while the appliable ones are used to enchant the currently wielded weapon for a short duration, causing each attack to stack the effect on enemies!

Shockwave spell and Paralyze potion in action.

Similar to the spells, some enemies may be resistant or even immune to certain effects, while others vulnerable. Feel free to experiment on them, for magical science!

That will be all for this week, hope you’ve enjoyed the reveal of this new mechanic and that you partake in the mystical arts of Magicae when you get your hands on the game!

Have a great weekend!

Ah, yes, you can take off your robe and wizard hat now… bye!


DevBlog 88 / Village, Potions and Polishing

And it’s our favorite time of the week again, yes!


That’s one big wishing well!

Ain’t it a beauty? The village is now complete AND populated, so all that remains for it is a final polish round, together with all the other areas, when we’re done with all the locations of the game world.

The Royal Guard has also been completed, with all its animations and behaviors, and he’s been particularly busy destroying our testers and developers without breaking a sweat!

Two familiar faces, one shirtless torso.

Oh, there’s the village again, awesome! Anyway, we’ve also added the final set of potions, with additional logic for the buff/debuff system, which will provide more depth and dynamic to combat, choose what potions to carry wisely and you’ll have a better time!

Another QA testing session took place, where we reviewed older issues and took note of a few new ones that came up, we’re doing these more frequently as we further development and the results are speaking for themselves.

The final chapter is on its way!

Glorious! Work has just begun on the final areas of the game, which lead to the Kingdom Castle… we’ve come a long way!

For the next week, we’re hoping to bring you some magical goodness and further details on this new system that has been recently introduced, we’re all very excited about it and you should be too!

Have a great weekend and thank you for reading!


DevBlog 87 / We’re back in town!

Happy new year!

Hope your holidays were as awesome as ours and that you had the chance to spend quality time with your loved ones, just like you are spending right now with us, as you read this devblog!

We took the chance to do some playtesting over the holidays, resulting in lots of fun, but also a few bugs and issues that we’ve corrected over this week, while also taking the time to polish things up a bit.

Ianua is brought to life!

The masons and carpenters have finished building the village, and our in-house painter, well, he painted the following images for your viewing pleasure.

No time to rest!

Our wizard has finished the logic for the magic system, which is also great news for us all as we are thrilled to play around with this new mechanic!

Power! Unlimited power!

New animations are going to be added both to the main character and the enemies for this new system, we’ll be sharing some of them down the road.

Lastly, we’ve added full support for the steam controller.

Thats it for this week, thank you so much for reading, the team wishes you all an amazing new year!


DevBlog 86 / Full Steam ahead!

Why hello there!

If you’ve ever heard of Steam, or if you’re currently using it, you’ll probably be ecstatic to know that we’ve included the Steam API into our project!

This allows us to have some sweet features such as Achievements, Cloud Saving and Stat tracking. It also means that our game might or might not be on Steam… take a guess.

Since you’ve probably guessed it right, we can also share that our Steam page will be online in the near future, so stay tuned!

Navigation mesh fix.

What is this? It’s our navigation mesh for the Canyon Puzzle, which had some issues that are now solved through navmesh control, allowing it to be updated as required by this event.

New area accessible by boat!

What is that? The boat we’ve showcased before is nearly fully implemented, and it will allow our hero to go forth and explore a new area which contains a quest item, some additional challenges and loot, of course!

A sanctuary, its buildings currently work-in-progress.

And this is the Village Hub we’ve mentioned before, which is shaping up to become a sanctuary to all, being not only rich in visual storytelling, but also holding its share of secrets! Oh, the houses are still work-in-progress, as such they are enveloped in a black, velvet fabric.

This tool will definitely come in handy!

Our Master Puppeteer, or Animator as some would call him, has implemented his new physics tool that will allow him to breathe even more life into his Puppets! We asked him how he does it, he said “Animation Magic”.

That is all for this week, everyone is thrilled for having the game on Steam and for all the progress that has been made so far, we can’t wait for the upcoming devblogs and to share more Decay of Logos goodies, so thank you for reading!


DevBlog 85 / What’s hiding behind the masks?

Greetings curious ones!

Work on the Canyon Zone is coming to a closure as our craftsmen have been polishing it up while implementing its last mechanics, such as the boat that was revealed in a previous DevBlog, NPC placement for storytelling purposes, as well as a new puzzle that will give access to a very special place. It involves a few masks and… that’s all we’ll share, for now!

I’m masking you a question!

The village hub has been getting some love as well, even though we’re not ready to share a screenshot of its current state, rest assured that it will be an area which will always spark your interest, no matter how many times you revisit it.

We’ve also been working on the last key characters for the game, which we’re not going to spoil for you just yet, maybe sometime in the future as we’d like to keep some of them a mystery at least for the time being!

The Royal Guard, however, keeps insisting on making an appearance on every blog post.

Someone just took a wrong turn!

As usual, we’re happy to indulge, as he’s been getting a few new animations and some further polish as you can see by the screenshot.

That’s all folks, thank you for tuning in and have a pleasant weekend!


DevBlog 84 / A Hole new area to explore!

Hello noble readers!

A Hole new area to explore!

This week we’ve made great progress in populating the Bottom Rift Windmills area, which is nearly fully implemented in regards to both props and logic, as we’ve also prepared it for our area streaming system!

Water we doing here?!

Ambushes and enemy placement throughout this area have been carefully considered as so to provide a different feel and encouraging players to be on their toes at all times.

Canyon ambushes!

The village, our main hub, has passed to an artist blocking phase since we’ve only had the initial designer’s blocking for quite some time already. We’ve drawn inspiration from Dark Souls 1’s Firelink Shrine, Dark Souls 2’s Majula, “Quinta da Regaleira” in Portugal, Sintra, and Everfall from Dragon’s Dogma! We’ll have more to show in a future DevBlog post, and we know you will all love it. * wink *

The Royal Guard continues to learn new moves, preparing himself to become one of the most dangerous and challenging elements of the game’s combat, one many would try to avoid rather than engage.

That is all for this week, we hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s updates, and thank you for tuning in!


DevBlog 83 / Pole-ishing things up a bit!

Hello fellow adventurers-to-be!

Hopefully you’ve all been having a blast stockpiling gifts for your dearest ones and yourselves too (come on, you deserve it!) during this week’s amazing sales! If not, that’s fine too!

But we digress… the DevBlog post #83 is here for your delightment!

We’ve been performing the final pass on building the Canyon Area, which includes the logic for the area’s content, gameplay and general flow.

Some NPC interaction events have been added as well to provide some additional story and lore, as well as some new assets such as…

Boats goin’ on here!?

The main puzzle we mentioned in the last DevBlog post, within the Roratory Temple, is now complete and fully functional, and all that is left now is to build up some dungeons and spice up the already existing ones!

The renowned dancer that was waving his weapon around last time we wrote you, or the Royal Guard if you prefer, is coming to life in terms of gameplay… basically he’s being taught how to make your lives miserable!

And he’s really committed to it!

The Canyon Kids have also picked up a couple of tricks, we felt that despite being really agile they were but lacking in the sneakiness department, so we fixed it!

Don’t worry, they’re in battery saving mode!

Hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s post, stay tuned for more and thank you for reading!
